Saturday, October 24, 2009

American Healthcare

I can’t believe the scare ads that I see on American television depicting the Canadian health care system as a horror story and telling viewers that Obama’s strategy on health care is aimed at crippling America. It’s truly laughable when as a Canadian; I know that although not perfect, we have one of the best health care systems in the world.

Canada’s health care structure is a huge component of why Canada is constantly rated one of the top 5 nations in the world as far as quality of life is concerned while the United States usually ranks 14th or lower.

Everyone in Canada is entitled to free healthcare based on priority and if you want a minor or non life threatening condition treated right away, there are also plenty of private clinics available; which incidentally are far less expensive than the average American hospital. I’m sorry but hospitals should not be business organizations driving to maximize profits based on demand!

I know plenty of Americans who haven’t been able to get a check up or have blood work done in over a decade because they simply can’t afford it. That doesn’t happen here yet the anti Obama campaigns depict Canada as a horror story and sadly enough, the average uneducated Joe will believe it.

Pasquale Stalteri

Far fetched and paranoid? Don’t rush to judgment! Think it through and keep in mind that just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean that they're not out to get you!

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